Installing a CKAN Catalogue and connecting to ODIS


Installing a CKAN Catalogue and connecting to ODIS#

CKAN logo


The following document explains how to set up a full metadata catalogue software architecture, with settings enabled to connect the catalogue to ODIS.

The initial steps are for CKAN, and specifically on Windows. You will have a choice to install CKAN through Docker, which is recommended, or to install CKAN (and its dependencies) manually, which is much more difficult.

Intended Audience#

The intended audience of these steps is for a technical person to follow, as the steps require familiarity with running commands at the commandline, and executing various scripts.

Windows Versions Supported#

The following steps were created on Windows Server 2022, but should work on Windows 11 or 10. You will be required to have full Administrator access on your server.

Option 2: Install CKAN & dependencies manually#

Install PostgreSQL#

PostgreSQL is a popular Open Source database, that will store tables leveraged by CKAN. It also has a very strong spatial engine, PostGIS. We will now install both PostgreSQL and PostGIS, as follows:

  • goto

  • near the top, click on “Download the installer certified by EDB”

  • click the latest for “Windows x86-64”

  • double-click the installer file

  • leave default install directory as-is (C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/17/)

    PG install1

  • leave default components as-is

    PG install2

  • leave data directory as-is (C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/17/data/)

  • for superuser password, use “postgres” PG install3

  • leave port as-s (5432)

    PG install4

  • leave locale as-is

  • install

  • make sure “Stack Builder” is selected and then click “Finish”

    PG install5

  • in the “Stack Builder” window, select your installation in the dropdown (“PostgreSQL 17 on port 5432”) and then click “Next”

  • expand “Spatial Extensions” and click the checkbox for “PostGIS x.x Bundle for PostgreSQL”

    PG install6

  • leave download directory as-is, click “Next”

  • wait for the PostGIS installer to download

  • click “Next” to begin PostGIS install

  • click “I Agree” to the PostGIS license

  • leave components as-is

  • leave destination folder as-is

  • click “Finish” to end the installation

    PG install8

Install Python#

CKAN 2.11 (the latest release as of writing this document) supports Python versions 3.9 to 3.12. This document will explain how to install Python 3.12, as follows:


If you have an existing Python installation, you may attempt at using it, but leveraging a Python virtual environment (venv) is recommended, which is explained later in this document.

  • create a new folder “Python” at the root of your C:/ drive, so you have a path of C:/Python

  • download 3.12.7 “Windows installer (64-bit)” from

  • double-click the file “python-3.12.7-amd64.exe” to install

  • choose “Customize installation” & check the checkbox for “add python.exe to PATH”

    Python install1

  • leave “Optional Features” as-is

  • for “Advanced Options”, click on the “Browse” button, to select the install location, and choose the C:/Python folder

    Python install2

  • click the “Install” button

  • test with a CMD command

    • in the Windows search bar, type “CMD” and press on your keyboard

    • make sure you right-click on the icon and select “Run as Administrator”

      CMD as administrator

    • at the command prompt, type:

      python --version

      Python install3

Install Git#

We will use git to “checkout” (which means to get locally) the latest changes in software that is required for CKAN (as often the released code contains errors, that are fixed in the software’s GitHub repository). We will also be using git through the commandline.


After installing, will use the commandline for git, but you will also see a “Git GUI” option in the Start Menu, that you may prefer for a more visual experience. There are also other visual tools that you can install instead, such as GitHub Desktop.

  • goto and select “Click here to download” the 64-bit version of Git for Windows

  • run the installer

  • select “Checkout as-is, commit as-is”

    Git install1

  • select “Use Windows’ default console window”

    Git install2

  • select “Fast-forward or merge” for ‘git pull’

    Git install3

  • default credential manager (no changes)

    Git install4

  • select “Enable file system caching”

  • test by opening a CMD window and executing: git –version

    Git install6

Create a working directory#

Using Windows File Explorer, create a new folder named “working” at the C:/ drive root, so you have the existing path C:/working

File Explorer

Create virtual environment in Python#

We will use a venv virtual environment in Python, to make sure that the installation does not conflict with others on your server. Open a CMD window, and execute the following to create a new ckan-venv environment:

cd C:\working
python -m venv ckan-venv

You should now see a prompt that looks like the following:


You can also execute deactivate to exit that ckan-venv virtual environment, and then execute C:\working\ckan-venv\Scripts\activate to reactivate.

Upgrade pip#

Open a CMD window, and make sure that your ckan-venv is activated, and then upgrade pip as follows:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Checkout the CKAN source code and build CKAN#

We will use git to get the latest source code direct from the CKAN repository on GitHub, and then build CKAN inside the ckan-venv virtual environment. Open a CMD window, and execute:

cd C:\working
git clone ckan-git-master
cd ckan-git-master
python -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install python-magic-bin
python -m pip install -e .

CKAN install1

You can now try to a test, to see the usage, such as:

CKAN install2

Add PostgreSQL utils to PATH#

We will need to run various PostgreSQL tools from the commandline, so we need to make sure that they are found on the PATH environment variable on your server. To set the system PATH, execute the following:

  • in the Windows search bar, searcg for “env” and choose “Edit the system environment variables”

  • click on the bottom “Environment variables” button

    PG env1

  • select Path in the lower “System variables” section and click the “Edit…” button

    PG env2

  • click “New” and then “Browse” to C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/xx/bin/”

    PG env3

  • click “OK”

  • close your CMD window, and re-open it

  • test by executing: psql --version

    PG env4

Create the ckan database#

We will now create a user profile in ckanuser PostgreSQL. Open a CMD window and execute:

createuser -U postgres -p 5432 -s -D -r -P ckanuser

then enter the following responses:

enter password for new role: odis
enter it again: odis
password: postgres

We will now create a new database ckandb in PostgreSQL. In your CMD window execute:

createdb -U postgres -p 5432 -O ckanuser ckandb -E utf-8

For the password enter postgres

Install the PostGIS extension in ckandb#

You likely will need spatial tables inside the ckandb database, so it is recommended to enable the PostGIS extension, by executing in your CMD window as follows:

psql -U ckanuser -p 5432 -d ckandb

For the password enter odis

You should now be at a prompt like ckandb=>

Then execute to list all tables: \d <enter> You should see a response as Did not find any relations

Next execute:

CREATE EXTENSION postgis;  <enter>
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;  <enter>
ALTER DATABASE ckandb SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;  <enter>

Again execute to list all tables (you should see more tables now) : \d <enter>

PG table install

to quit, execute: \q <enter>

Generate config file for CKAN#

We will run the built ckan tool to generate a config file for CKAN. Open a CMD window and execute:

cd C:\working
mkdir ckan-site
cd ckan-site
ckan generate config ckan.ini

Now open in Notepad++: C:\working\ckan-site\ckan.ini and set the following:

  line# 73:
    sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://ckanuser:odis@localhost/ckandb

  line# 78:
    ckan.site_url = http://localhost:5000

  line# 139:
    ckan.site_id = default
  line# 195
    extra_template_paths = C:\working\ckan-git-master\ckan\templates
  line# 202:
    ckan.storage_path = C:\working\ckan-site\data  

Using Windows File Explorer, then create a new data folder inside C:\working\ckan-site

Install Java JRE#

Several tools for CKAN require that we install Java, as follows:


JDK 21 is recommended for latest Solr through GitHub

  • use MSI installer for x64 platform

  • run installer (use all defaults)

  • test: open a new CMD window and execute: java --version

    OpenJDK install1

  • check your system Environment Variables list to make sure JAVA_HOME is set

    • set it to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-

      OpenJDK install2

Install Strawberry Perl#

Install Solr#

CKAN leverages Solr for its fast indexing/searches. To install Solr execute the following in a CMD window:

cd C:\working
git clone solr-git-main
cd solr-git-main
gradlew dev
cd C:\working\solr-git-main\solr\packaging\build\dev

Solr install1

  • Test Solr by executing: bin\solr.cmd --help

  • Now we must start Solr in “standalone mode”

  bin\solr.cmd start --user-managed -p 8983

Solr install2

In your web browser goto: http://localhost:8983/solr

Solr install3

  • Now check Solr status with bin\solr.cmd status

        Solr process 2360 running on port 8983
          "version":"10.0.0-SNAPSHOT bc0c226c8fe9c475e5e723355f729fd39ceaf30f [snapshot build, details omitted]",
          "startTime":"Sat Nov 09 16:01:17 AST 2024",
          "uptime":"0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes, 19 seconds",
          "memory":"115.4 MB (%22.5) of 512 MB"}
  • now create a new ckan Solr core

bin\solr.cmd create -c ckan

which should return: Created new core 'ckan'

  • now stop Solr

bin\solr.cmd stop -p 8983
  • copy schema.xml from C:\working\ckan-git-master\ckan\config\solr to C:\working\solr-git-main\solr\packaging\build\dev\server\solr\ckan\conf

  • delete the file managed-schema.xml in C:\working\solr-git-main\solr\packaging\build\dev\server\solr\ckan\conf

  • now start Solr

bin\solr.cmd start --user-managed -p 8983

Solr install4

  • you can also check the status of the core at the commandline, by executing:

    curl -X GET http://localhost:8983/api/cores/ckan
  • which should give a response such as:

            "initFailures":{ },
                  "directory":"\\working\\solr-git-main\\solr\\packaging\\build\\dev\\server\\solr\\ckan\\data\\index; maxCacheMB=48.0 maxMergeSizeMB=4.0)",
                  "userData":{ },
                  "size":"69 bytes"

Install Redis#

To install Redis (required for CKAN), we must install the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), as follows:

  • follow

  • open CMD window and execute:

    • see list of all Linux distribution names

      wsl --list --online
    • now install Ubuntu

      wsl --install --enable-wsl2 --distribution "Ubuntu-24.04 LTS"

      redis install1

  • reboot machine

  • you should see a progress bar for installing Ubuntu

  • when asked to create a new user, enter:

    username: odis
    password: yourpassword


    The WSL user has a lot of power (they have sudo/super-user permissions); it is strongly recommended that users change yourpassword to a secure and unique password for this account and keep hold of it in a password manager. That way if someone manages to hack CKAN and gain remote code execution capabilities, it won’t be so easy for them to gain super-user control.

  • to run: goto Start menu, choose “WSL”

    • CMD window should open with an odis@ prompt

  • to check the Ubuntu version, execute:

    lsb_release -a

    which should return:

        Distributor ID: Ubuntu
        Description:    Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
        Release:        24.04
        Codename:       noble

    redis install2

  • install the redis package

    • (follow steps at

      curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg
      echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/redis.list
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get upgrade
      sudo apt-get install redis
    • if error “Failed to take /etc/passwd lock: Invalid argument”, execute:

      sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info /var/lib/dpkg/info_silent
      sudo mkdir /var/lib/dpkg/info
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get -f install
      sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/* /var/lib/dpkg/info_silent
      sudo rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/info
      sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info_silent /var/lib/dpkg/info
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get upgrade
      sudo apt-get install redis
    • start the redis server

      sudo service redis-server start
    • test it by running:

      • which should bring you to a prompt of>, so then type ping <enter>

        • the response should be PONG if successful


          redis install3

Create the CKAN database tables#

  • open new CMD window, and execute:

cd C:\working\ckan-site
ckan -c ckan.ini db init
  • you should see a green message: “Upgrading DB: SUCCESS”

    CKAN install tables1

  • test with psql command:

    psql -U ckanuser -p 5432 -d ckandb -c "\d"

    for password enter odis

  • you should see 32 rows of tables

    CKAN install tables2

Add CKAN user#

We will create an initial user admin for CKAN, with full sysadmin powers, to manage the catalogue. Open a CMD window and execute:

cd C:/working/ckan-site
ckan -c ckan.ini user add admin

for password enter odisckan

CKAN home

  • then promote the “admin” user to sysadmin

    ckan -c C:/working/ckan-site/ckan.ini sysadmin add admin
  • you should see a message of “Added admin as sysadmin”


We can use the internal “development server” to serve CKAN, as follows:

ckan -c C:/working/ckan-site/ckan.ini run
  • should see:

      2024-11-10 12:11:15,815 INFO  [ckan.cli.server] Running CKAN on http://localhost:5000
      2024-11-10 12:11:18,107 INFO  [ckan.cli] Using configuration file C:\working\ckan-site\ckan.ini
  • in your browser, goto: http://localhost:5000/

CKAN home